Graduate Training at the
Chemistry-Biology Interface
The mission of the Chemistry-Biology Interface program is to train students with diverse scientific backgrounds for productive research at the interface between chemistry and biology. Exposing students to this enhanced, interdisciplinary training curriculum early in their graduate experience instills a strong foundation for future interdisciplinary research success.
Science at the chemistry-biology interface brings the synthetic, mechanistic and analytical powers of chemistry to bear on new and exciting areas of biology. At the University of Massachusetts, graduate students in the chemical and biological sciences have the opportunity to participate in the NIH-funded CBI Training Program. CBI Trainees take part in courses, seminars, discussions and research at the forefront of this emerging, interdisciplinary field.
Graduate study in the CBI Training Program provides an excellent foundation for a variety of research careers in the post-genomic era.
The CBI Training Faculty possess particular strengths in:
- Structural biology
- Molecular recognition
- Signal transduction
- Metalloproteins
- Protein-nucleic acid interactions
- Membrane proteins
- Protein folding
- Nucleic acids
- Synthesis of novel biopolymers
- Metabolic engineering
- Biomimetic materials and tissue engineering
- Systems and computational biology
The CBI Training Program is open to all interested students. Those conducting research in CBI laboratories are eligible for traineeships funded by a Chemistry-Biology Interface Training Grant from the National Institutes of Health (T32 GM139789). University-funded traineeships are also available. The trainees comprise the nucleus of a much broader CBI community consisting of students, postdoctorals and faculty in the cooperating laboratories. The NIH grant also enables us to bring outstanding speakers to campus and to sponsor several other special activities throughout the academic year.
Students who would like more information about joining the CBI Training Program and the participating degree programs may contact us.